Standards Wise International India - Blog

Our Decade of Healthy Ageing Pledge

Our Decade of Healthy Ageing pledge
On 14 December 2020, The United Nations General Assembly declared 2021-2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing.
Health is central to our experience of older age and the opportunities that ageing brings. Initiatives undertaken as part of the Decade will seek to:
·       change how we think, feel and act towards age and ageing;
·       facilitate the ability of older people to participate in and contribute to their communities and society;
·       deliver integrated care and primary health services that are responsive to the needs of the individual; and
·       provide access to long-term care for older people who need it.
An initiative to facilitate this is the Decade of Healthy Ageing Platform. The Platform is designed to be an inclusive, collaborative space where all knowledge relevant for the Decade can be accessed, shared, and interacted with in one place by everyone around the world.
The knowledge resources are split into five categories:
VOICE is about listening to the stories and perspectives of older people, their families, and communities, and working with them through meaningful engagement. Find out what matters and remember the human faces at the core of the Decade actions.
RESOURCES brings together all the forms of knowledge regularly used to guide the learning process and keep updated before taking any action: Publications, Multimedia, Databases & Repositories, Commentaries, Decade News, and Decade Events.
CONNECT with the global community: information on Organisations & Networks, and People.
The INNOVATE hub includes knowledge on Research Projects, Advocacy Campaigns, Implementation Projects, and Funding Opportunities, as well as special Reports from the Field where stakeholders can share new knowledge and lessons learned from an activity they implemented for any of the Decade's action areas.
The SUPPORT hub currently lists Toolkits and Training Programmes that are freely available for anyone to use.
The Platform welcomes submissions to any of these knowledge areas and we are currently developing a knowledge resource to support standards in senior living and care practices.
Take the pledge
You too can get involved by taking The Decade Pledge.
This is our pledge:
Our commitment at Standards Wise International to improving the lives of older people, their families and communities, is to develop sets of internationally informed standards for senior living and home care to create better outcomes and exemplar practices and models for living.
We believe in protecting human rights and promoting positive ageing. While communities and families are made up of all generations, older people still face stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. This is why our approach to senior living solutions is based on our 5 ‘I’s:
·       Intergenerational
·       Inclusion
·       Influence
·       Integrated
·       Informing
Adapted to be culturally sensitive and applicable to the specific requirements of countries, these standards will enable government, peak and industry bodies and organisations to regulate sectors and benchmark against developmental indicators.
Our aim is to help everyday lives be easier, safer and healthier and for organisations to be more efficient, successful and sustainable.
Join governments, civil society, businesses, and other organisations around the world in the pledge to take meaningful action to improve the lives of older people, their families and communities.
Let us know your pledge by tagging us in on:
Twitter, @StandardsWise
Facebook, @StandardsWiseIntl
LinkedIn, @standards-wise-international
2021-08-04 12:50